AF 40/2.5 FE Air Series Viltrox

Kód: AAF 40/2.5 FEX
Značka: Viltrox
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Podrobný popis

Lightweight and Portable: Ultra-light 167g design, easy to carry anywhere, making it ideal for travel and street photography. Advanced Optical Performance: 40mm F2.5 aperture, 6 groups, 10 elements, with 1 ED ,3 HR and 1 Aspherical elements for sharp, clear images and beautiful bokeh. Fast and Quiet Autofocus: STM motor ensures quick, silent focusing; even beginners can achieve precise shots effortlessly.

Lightweight and Portable: Ultra-light 167g design, easy to carry anywhere, making it ideal for travel and street photography.

Advanced Optical Performance40mm F2.5 aperture, 6 groups, 10 elements, with 1 ED ,3 HR and 1 Aspherical elements for sharp, clear images and beautiful bokeh.

Fast and Quiet Autofocus: STM motor ensures quick, silent focusing; even beginners can achieve precise shots effortlessly.

Durable and Reliable: Waterproof and anti-fouling coating on the front lens, robust metal mount, built to withstand daily use and challenging environments.

Versatile Compatibility: EXIF Data Transfer: Keep all shooting information intact; Type-C interface allows easy firmware updates to keep your lens performing at its best.

Compatible with all scenes: Portraits, landscapes, and street photography, 40mm focal length just like seeing the world with your naked eyes

40mm F2.5 FE-mount

air series

lightweight & masterful image quality

Capture Every Detail

  • Advanced Optics: 6 groups, 10 elements for exceptional image clarity
  • 40mm Versatile Focal Length: Perfect for portraits, landscapes, and street photography
  • Luminous Aperture: F2.5 for capturing light and depth beautifully

all-in-one for stunning shots

  • 40mm Natural perspective: See the world as you do with the naked eye.
  • Perfect for beginners: Easy to use and delivers impressive results.
  • Ideal for various subjects: Portraits, landscapes, and more.

Lightweight Innovation

  • Featherlight 167g: Compact design for on-the-go photography
  • Smudge-Resistant Coating: Keeps your lens pristine
  • Robust Construction: Designed for long-lasting durability
  • Easy to shoot handheld: Handheld photography is convenient and great for vlogging

Sony ILCE-7M4 Viltrox 40mm F2.5 FE

Flawless Integration

  • EXIF Data Transfer: Keep all shooting information intact
  • Type-C Upgrades: Easily update firmware for optimal performance
  • Weather-Resistant: Front lens coating for protection in any condition
  • STM Stepper Motor: Quieter and smoother focus for video recording.

Exquisite Image Quality

  • 1*ED Lens: Reduces chromatic aberration for sharper images with more accurate colors
  • 3*HR Lens: Helps to make the lens more compact and lightweight while maintaining excellent optical performance
  • 1*Aspherical Lens: Minimizes distortion and improves image quality across the entire frame
  • Nano-coated: Reduces ghosting and flare for clearer, more contrast-rich images

Flawless Focus

  • Consistent Framing: Minimal focus breathing for seamless transitions
  • Unrestricted Creativity: Perfect for both photos and videos
  • Precision Stability: Ensures every frame is captured with accuracy

More Features

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Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Viltrox
Záruka: 2 roky
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