Helix 2/5 Stop VND Mist Filter PolarPro

Kód: APM-2-5-MISTX
Značka: PolarPro
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Combining two filter effects in one filter, the PolarPro Helix 2-5 Stop VND Mist Filter is designed exclusively to fit the Helix MagLock Filter System. The Variable ND filter has hard stops of 2,3,4, and 5, along with 1/8 diffusion. This allows you to enjoy signature haptic feedback and complete light control while adding a soft, angelic and creative look to your footage.

The filter harnesses a completely secure magnetic connection using PolarPro's magnetic + quarter-turn locking mechanism, making it lightning-fast to install/remove the filter, while also ensuring it stays locked in position during even the most demanding run-and-gun situations.

Helix MagLock™ makes it possible to switch between Helix filters faster than your can change lenses, seamlessly integrating into your workflow, simply choose between special effects like this, dual filter, standard VNDs and more.
Key PolarPro Helix 2-5 Stop VND Mist Filter Features

  •     Quick and secure attachment to your lens via a correctly sized base plate
  •     Included Defender caps ensure glass is always protected even if dropped
  •     Brass construction for smooth connections
  •     Rubber trim ring on the lens filter provides ergonomic grip

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: ND
Záruka: 2 roky

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