NF-NEX (Sony E – Nikon F/D/G) Viltrox

Značka: Viltrox
€49,54 €41,28 bez DPH
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Viltrox NF-NEX mount adapter can allow the Nikon G&D series lens to be used perfectly on Sony E-mount camera.

Viltrox NF-NEX mount adapter can allow the Nikon G&D series lens to be used perfectly on Sony E-mount camera. Viltrox NF-NEX mount adapter can allow the Nikon G&D series lens to be used perfectly on Sony E-mount camera, manually adjust the aperture ( F-8 Aperture adjustment scale), Support Sony full frame mirrorless camera.

NF-NEX (Sony E – Nikon F/D/G)

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Adaptéry
Záruka: 2 roky

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